Friday, May 22, 2009

A Vision From a Distance

I wanted to share something that was conveyed to me through my wifes mother by someone in her church. They live in the north part of Alabama and were in prayer one night for our church. The lady had never been here or seen our church but she began describing to my mother in law what she saw in her spirit. She described the layout of our church exactly and said she saw people lined up waiting to get in. Now, I had never talked to her or shared with my mother in law what the Lord had shown me in the past. But, there have been several occasions where I have seen in my spirit this church and town overrun with people coming because of what God is doing in this church. I have even seen details that were so clear that it seemed as though it were happening now.

I have never been more content in Christ than I am right now. All I want is a greater measure of Him in my life and whatever He wants to do with me is fine. I am not looking for numbers because what God does will be more than a number. There is a spiritual awakening coming and it is starting with a hunger for God and His word. God will take us through a process of stripping things away and bringing us to a place of utter dependence upon Him. Beloved, hear this one thing: There is no amount of sacrifice, suffering and surrendering that we go through on earth that we will not be eternally grateful for in heaven! God will see us through by His Holy Spirit and bring us into the fullness of His son Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A Glimpse into David's Heart

As I have been reading recently in 1 Samuel about how Saul unmercifully pursued David and tried to kill him I was just in awe at David's response. Time and time again when David had the opportunity, and what looked like God's favor, to take Saul's life he spared him. Even after his death David still showed upmost respect for "the Lord's anointed". This even extended down through Saul's family.

Just think about it; God had rejected and left Saul but had chosen and anointed David. Saul walked in disobedience to God but David in obedience. On top of this Saul was tracking David like an animal to kill him. In the face of all this, David would not do anything against this man because he saw the authority of God represented in him. How would do we behave in similar circumstances? When someone seems like they are out to get us. The good we do, the sacrifices we make, the love for God in our hearts are all misconstrued to be something that they are not.

Not only did David show mercy and love to his enemy but those on his side that had a hand in their downfall David had killed. Someone that stands for us and against those who may be out to get us are usually the ones we promote! God have mercy upon us! David's heart is a complete reflection of humility and brokenness. He never saw it as his job to promote what God had given him. ie. the kingship of Israel. He left it solely up to God to bring it about in His time.

I believe humility is the greatest attribute of God that we can have imparted to us. And the Holy Spirit will bring it about if we allow it. Most of the times we don't. We aren't willing to go through the process. Oh yes, we will humble ourselves to spiritually mature christians that think a lot like we do, but to humble ourselves to someone that has wronged us or who is spiritually immature, NO. This is where the breaking happens and true humility begins to take shape. Many times the Holy Spirit has led me there only to have me shun the situation and think this is not of God. God works in such mysterious ways. It's not usually about the offense but about what God wants to do with it. This is why we will often be brought back to these situations over and over and over. God is saying to us, "Just humble yourself to this and allow me to impart something in you of my very nature."

This is why God declared that David was a man after His own heart. HUMILITY!!!