Friday, May 22, 2009

A Vision From a Distance

I wanted to share something that was conveyed to me through my wifes mother by someone in her church. They live in the north part of Alabama and were in prayer one night for our church. The lady had never been here or seen our church but she began describing to my mother in law what she saw in her spirit. She described the layout of our church exactly and said she saw people lined up waiting to get in. Now, I had never talked to her or shared with my mother in law what the Lord had shown me in the past. But, there have been several occasions where I have seen in my spirit this church and town overrun with people coming because of what God is doing in this church. I have even seen details that were so clear that it seemed as though it were happening now.

I have never been more content in Christ than I am right now. All I want is a greater measure of Him in my life and whatever He wants to do with me is fine. I am not looking for numbers because what God does will be more than a number. There is a spiritual awakening coming and it is starting with a hunger for God and His word. God will take us through a process of stripping things away and bringing us to a place of utter dependence upon Him. Beloved, hear this one thing: There is no amount of sacrifice, suffering and surrendering that we go through on earth that we will not be eternally grateful for in heaven! God will see us through by His Holy Spirit and bring us into the fullness of His son Jesus Christ.

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