Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Out of the Fire and Onto the Anvil.

Have you ever said to yourself, "I can't take anymore?" Regardless of what we may be facing or how difficult it may seem when compared to someone else's problems, we find ourselves at the end of our rope. We truly feel and believe that we can't endure any more pain, suffering, hardship, disappointment or attacks. Then, when it seems the fire has somewhat subsided, we begin to see all sorts of junk in our lives that make us question if we were the cause of the trouble to begin with. Let me assure you of this...You Are Not Alone!!!!
There is a process that we are undergoing that is likened to the forging process of a metal. This process is of utmost importance to us as Christians; first, because it helps us to understand what we are going through, so as not to become defeated. And secondly, it is necessary in order for us to be formed into the image of Jesus Christ. I find that it is often through circumstances that we can't see how God can possibly be using them that He actually can do the greatest amount of work within us.
I can't recount the number of times in the past 5 years that I have asked myself the opening question above. You know what amazes me when I look back? I have undergone more than I ever thought that I could. I definitely must tell you at this point that it wasn't because of my ability or strength that I made it. It was all because of God's grace that sustained me even when I was at my weakest. I would like to say that through every fire I acted like the ideal Christian but I know that would be so far from the truth. But even in my failures and shortcomings, I felt the presence of God there to help me and do something that was beyond my own feeble attempts. God is faithful and good and will work when we least expect it.
Like the metal when it is being melted or refined, I have seen more junk and impurities come into view when going through these things. One of the biggest mistakes that we can make at this point is either to try and hide what is coming out or work feverishly trying to clean things up. Both of those are mistakes but often one of those two are what we naturally do at first. But we must realize that the work is God's and not ours. We are reminded clearly of this in two verses in the letter to the saints at Philippi:
Philippians 1:6 (NASB) 6 For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.
Philippians 2:13 (NASB) 13 for it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.
This is easy to read and understand but something entirely different to walk. If the enemy or just our sinful flesh can trick us into thinking that we are the ones to do the work (or at least to give God a hand) then he knows that he can hinder the work of God's kingdom. But like most things we learn through our weaknesses and failures what doesn't work. And God is still there working and telling us to just have faith in the finished work of the cross.
So, once we are out of the furnace and we see so many impurities revealed we may think that we have a moment of rest and relief. But this is where the working and forging begins. Up to this point we are just being softened so that the next stage can take place without utterly destroying us. God's word is the hammer that begins the shaping;
Jeremiah 23:29 (KJV) 29 Is not my word like as a fire? saith the LORD; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?
As we submit to God and get out of the way, so He can work, then this process happens little by little and over and over. I must admit that this is not a pleasant or fun process. Anyone that tells you otherwise hasn't truly experienced it. It is painful and frustrating and a continual dying to ourselves. But, on the other side.....Glorious!!! If we allow God to have His way and surrender to Him continually and put our trust in Him then through the most horrid of circumstances He can mold and shape us into the image Jesus Christ. And then all we can say on the other side is that all the Glory goes to God. Because, like the metal, all we did is go through a process and somebody else did all the work.
We can experience a greater and greater freedom in Christ if we allow God to do the forging process in us. Remember you are not alone and there is someone else in that fire with you.

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